Tuesday, February 22, 2011

First Crusader Challenge - My Life in Code

As part of Rachel Harrie's Writer's Crusade, which I blogged about recently, we are occasionally issued challenges. I have been busy at my conference, but with only one (of three) presentations left to do, I thought I'd stop and give it a go.

The rules call for no more than 300 words in any format (emphasis mine) that include a secret, a lie, a quirk, an annoying habit, my best character trait, and my favorite thing. To make it more challenging, we must include the words bloviate, fuliguline, rabbit, and blade. What follows is my response in 162 words:

One of my strongest character traits is a willingness to stretch the boundaries, so I am going to take the in any format literally, and write my response in code. LotusScript actually.

I should caution the reader that there is a falsehood embedded in the code, a sad fact but a requirement of the challenge. Tomorrow, I will reveal what it is, but feel free to guess.

Even if you are not a programmer, take a look at the code. I think you will find it makes a weird sort of sense. I assure you, it not only compiles, but the output even makes sense. I will show the output tomorrow as well.


  1. Creative response!

    The lie is that you love pi! :D

  2. Thanks. No, I really do love pi, and what I showed in the code is only part of what I memorized when I was 11 (and still remember).

    The trick is that almost any programmer would know immediately what was a lie, so just for that facet, you need to think like a programmer.

  3. Well that is different! A challenge in itself.

  4. I think my eyes are bleeding. I tried to become an HTML programmer a while back. I decided I'd rather design websites than build them. This is kinda cool though.

    I think you don't love PIE with a passion. But of course I'm an HTML/Java dropout so I have no chance with LotusScript.

    Very interesting post though. I like your style.

  5. Wow, that was a bit more work than I was prepared to do after work... a whole new take on it and I think I got some info about you out of, I think. I am not sure I could figure out the lie though! Cheers!

  6. Ohmygosh - that was great! So original. :)

    Nice to meet you fellow crusader!

  7. Sounds like something my husband would do!

    I have an award for you at my blog.

  8. You've taken Geek Humor to a whole new level! :)

  9. So its pie that you don't like...but you like pi?

  10. It may as well be in hieroglyphics for me ;)

    Hello, fellow Crusader :)

  11. Is the falsehood that "Documentation to follow once code works". The code works so where is the documentation? I have a feeling it will never appear! :)

  12. Good to meet you. The key words for the challenge are in there, but I don't have a clue what you lie is.

  13. Maybe the Lie is that all know that he didn´t should ask Ben. And also nobody will do :)

  14. Ahhh my eyes are burning! LOL... yeah I have no idea what the lie is, and I tried. Alas, my programming skills are nonexistent.

  15. Hello fellow crusader! I am a tad bit late, the whole house has been sick all week. So, I just thought I would pop in and just say Hi! :D

    I'm no code monkey so I cannot find your false script! :(

  16. Great job, and such a creative twist! My husband (a programmer) is always trying to convince me I have a programmer's mind. I'm going to guess that the lie is that you like pi. If I get it right, I guess it'll have to be a secret from him!

  17. Very different.
    Hello to a fellow crusader :)

  18. Aaron got it. Don't ever, ever believe that a programmer will go back and document later. It will never happen.

  19. Whoa, Ben! Awesome though confounding (to me, at least!) entry. Love it! I'd guess, without looking above or at today's post, that you don't really like pie. Pi, yes, but pie...no.

    (Bet I'm wrong...who doesn't love pie??)

  20. This is by far the most creative response to the Challenge I've seen!

    Hello from a fellow Crusader and a Challenge judge! Just to let you know you have been shortlisted in my top 5!

  21. Aw, J.C., you're too kind. There are so many creative and wonderful responses.
